what i offer
First step
Consultation, Assessment and Intervention
Consultations and assessment can be carried out virtually and in person.
Consultation is the first step in our developing a shared understanding of a concern. It can help identify and clarify difficulties, support the implementation of an action plan to address concerns or support the monitoring, reviewing and evaluation of an action plan. During consultation the expertise of the children, staff and parents is recognised. Through the consultation process, a plan is developed and if necessary further involvement can be agreed.
I am able to carry out a range of assessments which will support a better understanding of a child or young person’s needs and strengths. The feedback from the assessment can be tailored to meet your needs and that of the child or young person. It will provide a summary of the findings and give suggested strategies. An action plan will be co-constructed and reviewed as appropriate.
Assessment with a child or young person might include the following:
Observation in their school or home environment
Consultation with school staff, parents, social workers and/or foster carers
Individual work with the child or young person which will include gaining their views on their needs and what might best help them
The use of standardised attainment and/or cognitive tests
Reports from other professionals including school information
Copies of supported and unsupported work
Assessments that would be completed by school staff and home
Interventions can also form part of the assessment process and further develop our shared understanding of the child or young person and how those partners working with them can enhance and encourage the development of skills.
Interventions that I advocate, are strengths based, respectful of the people involved and tailored to meet the needs of those involved in the context that they are in.
Interventions that might be appropriate include:
Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)
Supervision of staff who work closely with the child or young person
Social Communication Emotion Regulation Transactional Support (SCERTS)
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) – a individualised carefully constructed pathway
Precision Teaching
I offer supervision to individuals or groups.
I am on the Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors (RAPPS) with the British Psychological Society.
Supervision provides a safe, reflective space for professionals to open up thinking. It allows professionals an opportunity to learn about themselves and provides an opportunity to reframe thinking so that they are better able to maintain their well-being and support those they work with.
“Thank you for all the support and strategies that you provided for staff. They found it enormously beneficial. Our initial meeting and the assessment you completed were a real game changer for us and the way we worked with Child. This had such a positive impact on how he engaged with school and his emotional wellbeing.”
Assistant Head Teacher
Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)
I am a Video Interaction Guidance supervisor and practitioner.
I am able to offer supervision to practitioners on their VIG journey. I can be commissioned through a local authority or individually.
“Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) is a strengths-based, brief intervention that promotes attunement, sensitivity, and mentalization in relationships. The principles and practice can be used to work within any relationship.
VIG is effective with parents and carers of children across all ages (including babies and unborn babies).
VIG is used in a variety of contexts, including health, schools and social care. VIG is used with both clients and professionals.”
Video Interaction Guidance is recommended by National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) for supporting children with attachment needs, autism and within the early years.
I work with staff in schools to support relationships and to enhance an understanding of how those working with children can enhance their interactions with children. There can be a child, group or whole class focus.
I work with parents and foster carers to promote attunement with their child(ren).
I also use Video Enhanced Reflective Practice to support professional development. This intervention supports professionals to reflect on their skills in a safe group and can enhance group well-being.
For further information, please visit: https://www.videointeractionguidance.net/
A variety of training can be offered.
I am constantly learning and developing skills and knowledge. This list is not exhaustive, and I can let you know if I am able to support your development needs.
To help embed new learning and strategies, the preferred method of delivery is to have a follow-up sessions where any problems or uncertainty can be discussed and further input can be tailored to meet your needs.
Possible training includes:
Attachment and trauma – awareness and strategies
Autism Spectrum Conditions – awareness and strategies
Child and adolescent development
Language Development
Literacy and numeracy
Regulating emotions
Precision Teaching
Task analysis
Well-being /Emotional Literacy – including Emotion Coaching
Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)
SCERTS Assessment
Social Communication Emotion Regulation Transactional Support
I am really interested in how this approach can respectfully build individualised interventions based upon enhancing skills in child centred ways.
SCERTS is an evidence-based framework for assessment and intervention that builds upon the skills that autistic children are using in the contexts where they learn and play. The collaborative approach with staff and parents aims to develop a greater understanding of skills and how best to enhance these.
The assessment includes using questionnaires, video material, observations and consultation using Appreciative Inquiry to identify key areas of strengths and needs so as to design bespoke interventions.
Commissioning Services
I can be commissioned by schools, school trusts and other services like Social Services.
I am flexible about the support that I offer from one off consultations to regular visits and involvement.
Ad Hoc
My services can be commissioned on an ad hoc basis. This could be for half a day up to two days. I charge £600 a day. An assessment, for instance, for a child or young person typically would take two days and this would include a report with recommendations of strategies and interventions.
Packages of Support
Commissioning a support package of three or more days has the benefit of developing relationships and creates further flexibility of how we might work together to understand the needs of children, families and staff.
Fees are available on request.
Book a consultation
If you would like to find out more about my services or to enquire about a consultation, please reach out through the form linked here.